How Do I Move My Google Drive Folder to Another Location? [Step-by-Step Procedure] - Qiling  

How Do I Move My Google Drive Folder to Another Location?[Step-by-Step Procedure]

How to Move Google Drive Folder to Another Location?
How to Move Files From One Google Drive Account to Another?


Google Drive isfrequently mentioned as one of the best cloud storage options. It creates a secure backup accessible whenever you need it, from anywhere, by syncing files and folders from your desktop to the cloud service.

move google drive

If you're new to using Google Drive, read this article to know its functions and benefits in detail. After that, you'll find a step-by-step procedure if you need to move Google Drive to another location.

1. What Is Google Drive?

With Google Drive,you may save files online and view them from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. So, whenever you need to see a picture that dates several years back, or re-visit an important business document while you're at home, you just need to log in to your Google account and access them via Google Drive.

google drive

Function and Usage

You can upload and save various files, including documents, images, audio files, and videos, via Google Drive. Not only you'll be saving plenty of space from your laptop or smartphone, but also you'll be getting a singular online database to access anything, at any time.

The best part is that Google Drive has 15 GB of free storage, which offers plenty of room for all your files. You can still buy storage if you require more.

Some benefits of using a cloud storage service like Google Drive, include simpler file sharing and having a remote location to back up if you accidentally lose anything. Google Drive's popularity is based on practical collaborative features and built-in integrations with Google's family of products and services, in contrast to Dropboxand Apple's iCloud service.

Another great aspect of Google Drive is the ability to add notes, suggestions, and email tags to documents that you share with your team. Additionally, you may stay informed about any revisions to your papers without using the app by opting to get email notifications about them.

Here is an article about how to transfer files from Google Drive to OneDrive. Click the link below and we will provide the full guide to you.

How to Transfer Files from Google Drive to OneDrive?

Download the files from Google Drive to your local hard drive and upload them to OneDrive. Use Google Takeout and share feature to transfer files from google drive to OneDrive.

2. How Do I Move My Google Drive to Another Location?

Here you can move your Google Drive to another location by following our guide. Just keep reading.

Can I Move My Google Drive to Another Partition and How to do it?

Yes, you can move your Google drive to another partition. You don't need to download and re-upload files to move them from one of your Google Drive accounts to another. You may quickly move your documents where they need to go by either sharing the files directly or making a central sharing folder.

This article has 3 solutions to moving Google Drive to another location.

Why Do We Need to Move Google Drive to Another Location?

Since Google Drive only provides users with 15 GB of free storage, many users would prefer to have several accounts to get more free space. Therefore, moving files from one Google Drive account to another is inevitable.

To move files between Google Drive accounts, you might have additional motives. For instance, you might want to transfer your old files to the personal account you made after graduating from college.

The following are the key reasons for moving Google Drive data to another location:


How to Move Google Drive Folder to Another Location?

In this article, we have covered three ways to move Google Drive to another location, including:

Out of these three methods, the first method is the easiest and quickest compared to the others. So, let's explore these methods in detail.

Method 1. Automatically Move Google Drive Folder to Another Location

To move the files to a different location, Qiling Disk Master is a wonderful tool. Moving the data requires cautious and effective execution. The transfer must be carried out without causing any data loss or damage. Qiling Disk Master is the ideal file transfer solution that enables a smooth changeover.

It's the easiest and quickest method for you to move Google Drive from one Drive to another. Qiling Disk Master is well-recommended because it can transfer files without data loss.


Here are some of the features:



Qiling Disk Master offers the following capabilities:

Step-by-step Guide

You can follow the steps tomove the Google Drive folderfrom one Drive to another viaQiling Disk Master:

Step 1. Create a backup file of the user folder

Launch Qiling Disk Master on your Windows computer. Navigate to the "Backup & Restore" page.

Transfer files via backup and restore

Hover your mouse over "File Backup", and click it. Later, confirm the default settings of the file name and file path, or you can customize the settings on your own.

Select data backup

Now select the items you want to transfer to the other hard drive. To transfer user folderfrom one drive to another, check the files and folder you need to transfer, and click "Proceed".

Qiling Disk Master allows users toback up user folder, including desktop, files, music, pictures, videos, and downloads.

select application for transfer

Step 2. Restore the user folder to the destination drive

Launch Qiling Disk Master and follow the same way to reach the step of selecting a transfer method. This time choose "Backup and recovery" page and click "Browse for recovery".

Transfer files from PC to PC via backup & restore

Choose the existing backup file presenting on the interface, or navigate to the exact file path where the backup file is, click "OK".

select image to recover

You're back to the "Files", the backup file is viewable here. You need to click the browse icon to set the target location, which is the other hard drive, and save the changes. After the basic settings, click "Proceed". Wait patiently until the transfer process is over.

restore application image

Method 2. Move Google Drive Folder from C Drive to D Drive via Changing the File Location

Here are some steps to follow:

Step 1.Download Google Drive on your PC and go to Preferences.

click your preference

Step 2. Back upandsync your account and disconnect it.

press disconnect account

Step 3. Again back up and sync your account.You may also decide not to utilize the My Drive folder's default location by clicking Change and then choosing a different location for the folder.

press change

Step 4.Now select your D Drive to change the location.

select folder

Method 3. Move Google Drive Folder to Another Location via Reinstalling

You must install the Backup and Sync version of a service like Google Drive on your computer for it to back up automatically and sync data from your system as mentioned in method 2. The instructions in the following tutorial describe a step-by-step procedure to follow if you need to relocate a Google Drive folder.

Step 1. Download Google Drive from the browser.

download google drive

Step 2. While downloading, the window pops up to transfer files to the folder (if your account is already logged in the system).

coping files

Step 3. Press sign-in to continue.

sign in

Step 4. Go to Google Drive from the desktop. Click "Preferences".

click preference

Step 5.Scroll down and press "Change".

press change

Step 6. Now you can select the folder to which you want to move your drive.

select folder

How to MoveFiles From One Google Drive Account to Another?

Here's how to transfer files from one account to another with downloading and uploading them again method. However, if getting files from your computer to your phone is more of a worry, see our list of quick ways to transfer data between computers and mobile devices.

Method 1. Share the Document

Some of the steps are given below:

Step 1. Open Google Drive and find the file. Then right-click on the file and select share.

share the file

Step 2. Add people to whom you want to share the file.

add people

Step 3. Click Send. They'll get an email notification that a file has been shared with them.

click send

Another method to share: You can share a document by copying the link and pasting it to whom you want to send it.

another method to share

Method 2. Download and Upload

To download and upload, here are some steps to follow:

To Download

Step 1.Log into your primary account and find the documents or folders you wish to move to the secondary account.

open the google drive

Step 2.Gather all the files and place them in a new folder called "Export". The directory will show the folder. Then, you'll have the option of downloading all the files at once.

select the files

Step 3. Download your Export folder. You may download it by selecting it with the right mouse button. The Google server will compress all the files into a single zip file. You must have patience because the process could take some time to complete.

download the files

Step 4.After the download is complete, unzip the file to extract all of your files from it.

unzip your file

To Upload

Step 1. Go to the second Google account and open Drive to upload files there. Click the '+ New' button on the main page to upload files and folders you previously downloaded.

unload a file

Extra Tip: Transfer Google Drive Between Two PCs

Qiling Disk Master, one of the best PC-to-PC file transfer programs, will help you transfer data fast over the same LAN network if you prefer to do PC-to-PC data migration over cloud transfer. There are the steps below:

Step 1. Run Qiling Disk Master on both PCs

On the source PC, select "File sync" on the main screen of Qiling Disk Master and move on.

choose the transfer mode

Step 2. Connect two computers

1. Select your target PC to connect via its IP address or device name and click "Connect".

2. Enter the login password of your target PC and click "OK" to confirm.

If you didn't see the target PC in the listed devices, you can also click "Add PC" to manually connect the target PC by inputting its IP address or device name.

connect the PCs

Step 3. Select apps, programs, and software and transfer to the target computer

1. You can select and choose what you want to transfer from the current computer to the target PC.

2. After selecting desired applications and programs, click "Proceed" to start the transferring process.

select apps to transfer from PC to PC


In this article, the reader can clear his doubts by knowing how to move the Google Drive folder from C drive to D drive with easy step-by-step instructions. Moreover, readers can share Google Drive files by choosing any method mentioned above.

Moreover, you should download Qiling Disk Master as it automatically moves your files to a new PC, without doing any manual work. Give it a try today!

FAQs about Moving Google Folder to Another Location

Here I summarize some of the problems you may encounter during the operation and give the answers accordingly.

1. How Do I Move My Google Drive Files to Another Drive?

Nowadays, there are many ways for you to transfer your files from Google drive to another drive. You can do it safely because these cloud drives are provided by industry-leading tech corporations like Google and Microsoft. First of all, you need to download the files from Google Drive to your local hard drive and upload them to OneDrive. Secondly, you can use Google Takeout to sync Google Drive to OneDrive. Thirdly, you also can use the Share Feature to Migrate Files from Google Drive to OneDrive. Fourthly, you can use Google Drive and OneDrive Desktop Apps to Move Files.

2. Why Can't I Move Files in Google Drive?

If you can not transfer files in your Google drive, firstly, you may not be authorized to do so. In other words, you can say that owner has not permitted to you for moving files. To solve this problem, you can demand or ask access permission from the owner of the file. Or you can take the help of some professional solution that will move files from the Google Drive Shared With Me folder also for you.

3. How Do I Move Multiple Files from One Google Drive to Another?

If you have multiple files to move in Google Drive, you can do these things below. If the files are demonstrated orderly, you can click the first one, then press Shift on your keyboard and click the last one. In this way, all the files from the first one to the last one will be selected. Next, you can right-click to choose Move to. To finish these steps, you can move various files from one Google Drive to another.

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