How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x80070002  

How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x80070002

The error code 0x80070002 is a common error that you may encounter when using your PC. This problem error occurs when there's a driver faulty issue or some files are corrupted or missing in a Windows Update. Sometimes, you may have successfully downloaded and extracted the files, but for some reason, you still experience the error. Unfortunately, you cannot leave the error unfixed. Windows updates are very important for bug fixes and system stability as well as online safety. In case you experience the Windows 10 update error 0x80070002, this post offers different methods that you can use to resolve the issue.

How to Fix Error Code 0x80070002 in Windows PC

If you are having this issue with your Windows 10 update, you don't have to worry. You can resolve the issue on your own. Here are the top five solutions to fix the problem.

Method 1: Remove Temporary Update Files

Sometimes, when you have temporary update files hanging, you may receive the Windows 10 update error 0x80070002. To fix this issue, you need to navigate to the software distribution folder. Follow the steps below to complete this process:

Method 2: Restart Windows Update Services

Follow the step-by-step guide below to use this solution to resolve the problem you're having with Windows 10 update error code:

Method 3: Troubleshoot the Windows Update

This is another method to consider if you are having a problem with running Windows update. You can fix error code 0x80070002 by following the steps below:

Method 4: Modify Registry Editor

To fix error code 0x80070002 using this method, you first need to run the Windows Media Creation Tool. Right-click on it and select "Run as Administrator" and then follow the steps below:

Method 5: Check Date and Time

If you've tried the different methods above to fix Windows 10 update error 0x80070002 errors, you should check the Date and Time settings. To do this, follow the steps below:

Bonus Tips: How to Keep Data Safe or How to Rescue Lost Files

To keep your data safe and prevent data loss, you should try to back up important files on your PC before fixing the error code 0x80070002. If you're not able to backup data and you lose data in the process, you don't have to worry. You can use a data recovery tool to recover the lost data. Let's look at the most recommended tools for backing up and recovering data.

How to Backup Files with QILING Disk Master Professional

When it comes to backing up data, QILING Disk Master Professional comes highly recommended. QILING Disk Master Professional is a professional tool designed to enable seamless backup of files, drive, and system. It can also create bootable media and secure data and system protection of a PC, flash drive, external hard drive, and USB drive, among others. To backup your files with QILING Disk Master Professional, follow the steps below:

Step #1: After downloading and following, Open the main window of QILING Disk Master Professional and click "File Backup" on "Backup and Recovery" tab. This will open the directory of all files and hard drives on your PC.

Step #2: Select appropriate files that you want to back up from the director and click "Preceed" to backup files in Windows 10 and other Windows.

Step #3: When the backup is complete, select "Backup", "Restore" or "Edit" to complete your desired process.

How to Recover Data Loss with Deep Data Recovery Software

While fixing Windows 10 update error 0x80070002, you may lose important data in the process. You don't have to worry though; Deep Data Recovery software is available for your use. It is a professional and practical tool designed to help users recover data lost as a result of deletion, system failure, virus attack, and formatted drives, among others.

Step-by-step Guide on how to recover lost data after error 0x80070002

Step #1: Launch the Deep Data Recovery software and select the file types that you want to recover. Click "Next" to launch the Windows error 0x80070002 lost file recovery process.

Step #2: Select the drive/partition to scan on your system. The popup window will list all drive/partition. Select the specific ones you want to recover files from and click the "Scan" button.

Step #3: Preview and save the recovered files. When the scan is completed, you'll be able to preview the lost files. Select the files you want to recover and click "Recover" to save them. You can also use the "Deep Scan" for further scan.


There you have it! When next you encounter the error 0x80070002, try any or all of the five methods highlighted above to fix the issue. To protect your data, you should use QILING Disk Master Professional to backup data before fixing the problem. In case you didn't back up data and you lost data while fixing the error code 0x80070002, you can use the Deep Data Recovery tool to recover your data.

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